Thursday, March 13, 2014

Different Eating Styles

I've had a great interest in nutrition since I was really young.
Possibly because I love food soooo much!  I've been creating and writing recipes since I was 12 years old.  My poor family used to come home to jello cookies, cookies made from chips and pop lol ( no not nutritious then..but creative;) I even made a casserole dish with a graham cracker crust..true storey and god bless my mom!  She ate everything I sat before her with out a complaint lol
Strong lady:)
My Aunt owned her own health food store and that really began an Interest for me in natural healing.  I would buy books upon books and read so much...but to be honest it still confused me on how to fuel my body for activity properly.  
So today I will give you some links to different lifestyles in nutrition that people adopt.  Healthy ones anyway because there really are a lot out there.  
If you are just starting out it can all be so overwhelming.   Researching a great nutrition coach is a terrific idea but be sure to do your own research and ask questions before you settle on one! 

Paleo or caveman diet: basically it's going back to basics.. If a caveman could eat it so can you.  It's a natural way of eating, eliminating refined sugars,  processed foods, grains, pesticides (yuck!), dairy.   Eating more free range fowl , grass Fed  beef, wild caught fish.
This link has some great info.

Vegan - there are so many types of Vegetarian diet.  You get the main idea though a Vegan excluded all meat, fish and their by products like dairy and eggs.  RAW Vegans eat the majority of their foods from raw sources.

Clean diet :  it does not mean wash your foods;)
A clean lifestyle chooses whole, natural foods and eliminates refined , processed ones.  Focuses on combining lean proteins with complex carbohydrates and healthy fats with each meal.

Any of these eating styles  are great and healthy habits and if you search recipes there are so many delicious ones to be found! Be creative and create your own:)
Happy eating 

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