Sunday, February 16, 2014

Can't get to a gym today?

Sometimes life takes us on unexpected twists And turns.  The ability to get a workout in at a fitness facility isn't always there, ( for instance being snowed In like we are today in my section of Canada;))
If you have a desire to get a work out in though there are many other ways to switch things up a bit! Don't despair! You can pretty much get a workout in anywhere:)

Do this circuit 3 x

10 push ups
20 sit ups
25 squats
20 lunges (10 per leg)
80 jumping jacks
60 second wall sit

Remember it's your workout so Improvise if you need to:) push ups can be done from knees or wall.  Remember to engage your core ( pelvic tilt forward and belly button pulled Into spin - make sure you can breathe;) shoulders set..lift them up, retract them back And set back down. Posture is key to good form.

Other ideas if advanced are some hand stands against a wall, into a hand stand push up against wall If you like:) ( my favourite!)
Dance around the house for some great cardio (love it), run or walk up and down the stairs.
A little relaxing yoga? If it just happens to be your day off, enjoy it cuddled up with a good book and a blanket.  ( that's me!)
Whatever you decide  to do; make it your day!

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