Wednesday, February 19, 2014

What Eating Clean has done for Me

Good Morning it's a beautiful day.  Everything is covered in fresh snow again;)
Today I wanted to talk about eating clean and the importance of good nutrition.  

When I began my weight loss journey at around 200 lbs I looked to weight the time I used their points system, and didn't know enough to eat clean and not processed.  I did learn a lot here though when it came to portion control and this really helped me in the beginning..but soon I was ready for another step:)
I began to hear more about eating clean and decided to explore this. It opened up an entire new world for me!
I developed so much more energy!  Which really helped with my workouts.  I learned that carbs are not our enemy if you eat the right ones;) some examples of great carbs are oats, sweet potatoes, quinoa, sprouted whole grains, veggies and fruit. Carbs are so important for feeding your working muscles, brain and nervous tissues, and they also help provide your dietary fibre.  I also learned to incorporate good fats into my diet and to no longer avoid them.  Fats help your body function!  examples?  Coconut oil, olive oil,  salmon, nuts, seeds, mmm avocados!  The right portion sizes are important.  I ditched the refined sugars for the most part, opting to sweeten things with dates, raw honey or pure maple syrup when desired.  Protein is extremely important as well; it helps build and repair muscle tissues. For example when I was younger I went to the gym often but I didn't know how to eat right.  I believed less was more and I can tell you I never had the lean muscle gains that I do now.  Try to incorporate all 3 in your meals together.  By  choosing to eat clean I could eat so much more! I now fuel my body about 6 x a day. (Every 2-3 hours) believe it! This eating more of the right foods more often has helped speed up my metabolism.    My body has become more efficient at burning  fuel, burning fat, using energy for activities, and I now have one fantastic immune system!  I feel that I am in better health  than ever before:) These are just a few great reasons why I have chosen to eat clean for my lifestyle.  
I choose organic as much as I can find and this year am very excited to begin my own vegetable/herb garden:)
Eating clean, weight training with some cardio can really change your energy levels and body composition!
My health is important to me.  We all deserve to take the best care of our bodies as we can.
If you are new to eating clean but are curious and would like to give it a try here are a couple sights you may want to check out : 

If anyone has any other great sights feel free to add.

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