Wednesday, February 26, 2014

I believe our Beauty arises from our Spirits

Struggle with self image?

Do you have a problem struggling with your outer self?  This is something I'd struggled with all my life.  In my teens it developed into an eating disorder for a while.  I felt like this was me taking control of a portion of my life.  I thought it made me control and as bad as it sounds now better than some.
In reality it was a cry for help, maybe attention?  I grew up developing really low self esteem.   I never had a weight issue when I was young.  In fact I was one of the lucky ones in our family with a pretty decent metabolism..that is until the eating disorder set in.  Why was I never satisfied with how I looked? Why was I so concerned about my outside appearance and less concerned about the inside?  It amazes me the people that I talk to (who I think are all amazing and beautiful people ) that also have self image issues.  It has led me to make 'mistakes' in the past in some choices( believing if I fix this it will make me a better person, more loved).  I put quotations around mistakes because I've learned from them so they were a path I was meant to go down.
I like who I am inside, I've learned more about myself in the last couple years than I ever have.
( writing this down and admitting I'm not perfect but okay with it is helpful to me:))
How many if you always try to be perfect??  Recently I've realized that I'm okay with not being perfect.  
You know what?  My bodies not perfect.  I have cellulite!  I have a bit of a belly,  hips, a booty,scars from children and surgery.  Well guess what.  I'm okay with it now.  Who was I trying to be perfect for?  My friends don't care, my family doesn't care, my kids don't care. I don't judge others by their appearances, so why was I doing this to myself?? I AM healthy, fit.  I have boundless energy most days.  My scars are reminders of where I have been and what wonderful children I have brought into this world:)
My journey and learning are ongoing and yes I'm going to make mistakes.  But it's okay because I'm allowed to and so are you:) what matters is what you learn from them and what you do with that learning:)
Together we are strong.   I have learned that Acceptance and loving ourselves as much as we love and accept others, brings much inner peace.
  I hope to learn and evolve continuously.  I am letting go of things I can't control and accepting them as part of what makes me who I am.  Releasing this has opened up my world and every day I am thankful and grateful for what I have.  I am strong and I have some amazing people in my life.  Releasing the negativity has opened up my life to receive so much more.  So please, if I can teach anything to whom ever reads this and our children...change your way of yourself from the inside and the outside. Look in the mirror and see your beautiful self smiling back! Accept your own unique beauty and smile every day.  Healing begins from within and flows outwards.
I do believe our beauty arises from our  

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