Congratulations to making it to the end of the week. Awesome:))
Here is the break down for tomorrows run:)
Duration: 31 minutes
Warm up: walk slow and easy 5 minutes
Run: 1 minute Walk: 2 minutes
Repeat walk/ run segment 7 times
Cool down: walk slow and easy 5 minutes
Remember Pace is personal but you Should be at a comfortable talking pace during all your warm ups, cool downs and for the entire session including the timed runs. Your run at this time should really feel more like a shuffle. The idea is that ultimately the run portions mesh with the walk portions so that your body an mind hardly know the difference:)
Today I had the opportunity to sit in on a talk about proper athletic footwear an how important it is the have the right fit.
It's so important as it can 'make or break' your run experience, your enjoyment. Proper athletic footwear can also alleviate injury. If your shoes are worn down it is also important to change them!
Here are some key points I learned today:
1. For running make sure that the shoe bends easily under the ball of your foot. Should be quite flexible.
2. The heel of your foot should fit snugly in the shoe. Stand on your tip toes to make sure that your heel does not come out of the shoe.
3. Make sure after lacing that the lace holes on either side of the shoe are at least 1 " apart.
4. Make sure to the front of the shoe is wide enough so that your toes can spread, and that your longest toe is about the width of a thumbnail away form the end of the shoe by pressing down with your thumb.
5. Shop late in the day when your feet are their biggest! The size of your foot can increase up to half a shoe size during the course of a single day from swelling. ( I didn't know this!!)
6. If you have some old athletic shoes, bring them with you when searching for a new pair. Most shoe professionals can determine your gait based on the wear of your old shoes. (COOL!!)
7. Your foot shape will make a difference as well as to the type of shoe you should know your foot it high arch, normal arch or flatfoot.
When in doubt seek out a shoe professional! Don't be afraid to ask questions!
Happy Run day! Have an AMAZING weekend:)))